LIONHEARTS, the sequel to NOTTINGHAM, is now available!


APRIL 5th, 2022

Interview with The Conclave Cast with a spoiler-free talk about NOTTINGHAM, to be followed by an in-depth book club style chat about all the dirty secrets six weeks later. Available on Spotify and on Apple Podcasts.

JANUARY 4th, 2022

My recommendations for some of my favorite recent sci-fi/fantasy books with action sequences that stuck with me long after I closed the book, compiled for a great book-lovers website, Shepherd.

OCTOBER 19th, 2020

FIGHT CALL: A short video featuring some of my favorite
sword fights from TV and movies, and how a stage
combat choreographer sees them.

OCTOBER 11th, 2020
Interview with Dark Matter Zine, chatting all things Robin Hood as well as my take on Wonder Woman, Star Wars, and more!


Thanks to Brisbane Libraries, Gold Coast Libraries, Central Coast Library, Whitehorse Manning Library, City of Onkaparinga Libraries, Mandurah Library, and of course Penguin Random House Australia for hosting these live virtual launch events. Here’s an example!

SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

“Reinventing a Legend” Interview with DIYMFA Radio Host Gabriela Pereira


Courtesy of TorCon, in which I “perform” as three different characters from the novel with the help of some camera angles.

SEPTEMBER 16th, 2020

A couple of short blogs about LIONHEARTS:
“The Page 69 Test”
”My Book, The Movie”
”Q&A with Nathan Makaryk”

SEPTEMBER 14th, 2020


A candid interview about various nerdy things, including myself and my books.

AUGUST 18th, 2020

(Tor/Forge Blog)

In which I sneakily make the insinuation that you’re a terrible person if you don’t like my books. But seriously, in a world where writing and reading feels impotent against the major problems around us, this is a reminder of how reading actually trains our brains to be more tolerant, understanding people.

JULY 8th, 2020

I interview with Allen Wright of regarding the upcoming release of LIONHEARTS, sequel to NOTTINGHAM.

JUNE 14th, 2020


Here’s a replay of my “Books and Brunch” discussion with Den of Geek for TorCon 2020, with author Jenn Lyons and moderator Natalie Zutter.

We chat books, drink scotch, talk about what being killed by Sir Patrick Stewart, and more.

If you jump to 10:18, you’ll see my reading of a scene from LIONHEARTS, in which I play three different characters using some camera angles.

NOTTINGHAM is a Seminfinalist for Best Historical Fiction of 2019 in the Goodreads Choice Awards.

Cast your vote by Sunday, November 17th!


I will be speaking on the Debut Author Panel at the Writer’s Digest Novel Writing Conference, on October 26th at 3:00pm.


Think you have what it takes to get out of Nottingham alive? Enjoy this little morality test to see whether you’re with the living … or with everyone else.


I’ll be at the New York Comic Con to sign copies of NOTTINGHAM on October 6th, 2019. Catch me at 11:00am on Sunday!

Or, how to write villains with empathy (and no excuses)
by Nathan Makaryk

CrimeReads, September 12th, 2019

Interview: BBC Radio Nottingham | Alan Clifford and guest Nathan Makaryk discuss NOTTINGHAM novel
BBC Radio Nottingham | Alan Clifford

JULY 30th, 2019
Thanks to Alan Clifford and BBC Radio Nottingham for having me on as a guest to discuss the novel and its relevance to today’s society! You can hear the complete interview here:

JULY 25th, 2019
Got to see the final book for the very first time when my author copies arrived in the mail, and my 3-year-old son had his own ideas for what we should do with them.

JULY 23rd, 2019
Thanks to the team at “Grab Some Friends!” trivia podcast for having me on as a guest host! Here’s a full interview with me about the book:

MAY 21st, 2019

I am thrilled to announce two upcoming book launch events!

August 6th, 2019
Reading, Q&A, Signing: 7:00pm
791 S Main St, Suite 100
Orange, CA 92868

August 7th, 2019
Reading, Q&A, Signing: 7:00pm
5943 Balboa Ave #100
San Diego, CA 92111


MAY 21st, 2019

Penguin Random House Australia has revealed their cover of NOTTINGHAM, which will be available in Australia and New Zealand on August 20, 2019.

FEBRUARY 25th, 2019
NOTTINGHAM has an official cover! It’s still five-and-a-half-months away from being on shelves, but it’s exciting to finally announce this cover and share it with the world. Presales are available everywhere awesome books are sold, like here!

A little bit about this cover, and why I love it so much:

The artwork of Nottingham Castle is an original piece created for the book by a legendary line artist Nicolas Delort, who is an absolute master of the scratchboard. The image is based off of historical paintings and sketches of Nottingham Castle, prominently featuring the unique geography of the castle and its three distinct tiers—or baileys—which are often mentioned in the book. Like the book itself, the basis of this image is historical but have then been dramatized and embellished. The walls for instance are higher than they were in reality, and much of the castle actually might have still been wooden rather than stone at this point … but the book is half history, half folklore, which this image perfectly represents.

Second, I love this cover for all the things that it isn’t. It isn’t green. It isn’t full of lush trees. There. Is. No. Picture. Of. Robin. Hood. That’s not what this book is about. NOTTINGHAM takes place in autumn and winter, and while it is “about” Robin Hood, he is only one of many characters that make up the community of Nottinghamshire. When I wrote the book I was afraid the publisher would create a cover with merry men traipsing through green forests, so I am absolutely thrilled that they presented me instead with this stark depiction of the castle, as the location is truly the most important character of NOTTINGHAM.

NOVEMBER 15th, 2018
I have ARCs for NOTTINGHAM ready to go out for early reviews! This is not the final cover design, which will be revealed soon.

The final rounds of copy-editing and proofreading are almost done (these copies are uncorrected) and soon the final version will be a wrap! Meanwhile I’m nearly done with my first draft of the sequel to this book, currently untitled, which should be releasing in June in 2020, one year after NOTTINGHAM.

OCTOBER 30th, 2018

Just received word that NOTTINGHAM will be published in Australia and New Zealand by Penguin Random House!

AUGUST 28th, 2018

Pre-order is available now for NOTTINGHAM!

No king. No rules.

England, 1191. King Richard is half a world away, fighting for God and his own ambition. Back home, his country languishes, bankrupt and on the verge of anarchy. People with power are running unchecked. People without are growing angry. And in Nottingham, one of the largest shires in England, the sheriff seems intent on doing nothing about it.

As the leaves turn gold in the Sherwood Forest, the lives of six people—Arable, a servant girl with a secret, Robin and William, soldiers running from their pasts, Marion, a noblewoman working for change, Guy of Gisbourne, Nottingham’s beleaguered guard captain, and Elena Gamwell, a brash, ambitious thief—become intertwined.

And a strange story begins to spread . . .

Both a gripping historical epic and fascinating deconstruction of the Robin Hood legend, Nathan Makaryk’s Nottingham mixes history and myth into a complex study of power—one that twists and turns far beyond the traditional tale of Sherwood Forest’s iconic thief.

AUGUST 23th, 2017

Nathan is thrilled to announce that his first novel NOTTINGHAM will be published in Fall 2019 by Tor Forge, with a second book to follow in Fall 2020.

NOTTINGHAM is a character-driven re-imagining of Robin Hood in a realistic historical context. It rebuilds the world of Robin Hood with neither heroes nor villains. Both sides of the classic conflict are explored through a variety of character perspectives, whose prejudices taint the story. The "Merry Men" may see themselves as virtuous, but are prone to selfishness and violence. The men of the Nottingham Guard are equally flawed and diverse, but driven to protect their city from the amateur terrorism of the outlaws.

The story is inspired in equal parts by history and legend.

The foundation for this story is a play that Nathan wrote in 2011, THE LEGEND OF ROBIN HOOD, which was produced in March of 2012 at the Maverick Theater in Orange County, California.

More information to come, here's the official announcement from Publisher's Marketplace:


JULY 25th, 2015

Back when this novel was still a huge secret (as an unpublished author at the time, I would sooner die than tell anyone I was writing a book), I took a trip to Nottingham for research. Here are a few pictures I took of the castle: